Crestwood Elementary Supply List 2024-2025
- 2 pocket folders, plain colors
- 1 pkg gallon, quart or sandwich size baggies (zipper close)
- 1 pkg of paper plates (small or large) OR napkins
- 1 box of tissues
- 1 box of 8 large crayons (Crayola brand preferred)
- 1 8 oz school glue (Elmer’s brand preferred)
- 1 box watercolor paints (Crayola brand preferred)
- 1 pkg thick dry erase markers (Expo brand preferred)
- 1 pkg beginners pencils (Ticonderoga brand preferred)
- Extra clothes – Send a bag with two extra sets of clothing, including socks and underpants. Label both the bag and each item of clothing with your child’s name.
- Backpack – Regular/large size. Label backpack with your child’s name
- 2 pkgs of markers (washable, classic colors)
- 2 boxes crayons
- 2 pkg colored pencils
- 3 2-pocket folders- solid colors (pockets across the bottom)
- 2 spiral notebooks
- 1 Primary composition notebook (top half blank, bottom half wide-lined dotted lines)
- 2 large boxes of tissues
- 2 pkgs dry erase markers (EXPO brand preferred)
- 1 dozen pencils (Ticonderoga brand preferred)
Families with last name A - I:
- 1 pkg gallon size baggies (zipper close)
- 1 pkg small paper plates
Families with last name J - R:
- 1 pkg quart size baggies (zipper close)
- 1 pkg cups (no Styrofoam)
Families with last name S - Z:
- 1 pkg sandwich size baggies (zipper close)
- 1 pkg of large paper plates
Donations appreciated!
Prepackaged individually wrapped snacks
Please label ONLY these items with first & last name
- Large backpack
- Art smock (or old t-shirt)
- One change of clothing (shirt, long pants, underwear & socks labeled in a zipper close baggie to be kept in locker).
First Grade
- 1 Primary composition book (top half blank, bottom half dotted lines)
- 1 package pencil top erasers (Papermate brand preferred)
- 3 Plastic 2-pocket folders (pockets across the bottom)
- 2 large glue sticks
- 2 dozen #2 pencils (sharpened preferred)
- 2 pkgs colored pencils
- 2 boxes crayons (24 box)
- 1 large box of tissue
- 1 pencil box
- 1 child size scissors
- 1 pkg dry erase markers (black)
- 2 pkgs thick markers (washable, Crayola brand preferred)
Donations appreciated!
Paper plates, plastic forks, spoons, knives and cups. Prepackaged individually wrapped healthy snacks. Sandwich and gallon size baggies (zipper close), liquid glue.
Please label ONLY these items with first & last name:
- Headphones (over the ear)
- Large backpack
- Athletic shoes (Velcro or tie – do not need to be labeled)
Second Grade
- 4 2-pocket folders (1-yellow 1-red, 1-green, 1-choice)
- 2 WIDE RULED composition notebook
- 1 Primary composition notebook
- 1 pkg large pink erasers
- 1 pkg thick markers (washable)
- 1 box of crayons (24)
- 1 pkg colored pencils
- 1 glue sticks
- 36 #2 sharpened pencils (Ticonderoga brand preferred)
- 2 yellow highlighters
- Scissors (child size)
- 1 large box of tissues
- 1 deck playing cards
- 1 pkg Dry erase markers (Expo brand preferred)
- 1 Pencil box (6x9)
Families with last name A - L:
- 1 pkg gallon size baggies (zipper close)
Families with last name M - Z:
- 1 pkg quart or sandwich size baggies (zipper close)
Donations appreciated!
Prepackaged individually wrapped healthy snacks, paper plates, plastic forks, spoons
Please label ONLY these items with first & last name
- Large backpack
- Athletic shoes (Velcro or tie - do not need to be labeled)
Third Grade
- Large backpack
- Athletic shoes
- Headphones - over the ear
- 4 2-pocket folders (yellow, red, green, choice)
- Pencil box (6”x9”)
- 4 WIDE RULED Spiral notebooks - 70 pages (red, blue, yellow, green)
- 2 dozen #2 pencils, sharpened (Ticonderoga brand preferred)
- 1 pkg of dry erase markers
- 1 pkg thin or thick markers
- 1 pkg 24 crayons (Crayola preferred)
- 6 glue sticks (Elmer brand preferred)
- 1 deck playing cards
- Scissors
- 1 pkg of 12-24 colored pencils, sharpened
- 1 large box of tissue
Donations appreciated!
Prepackaged individually wrapped healthy snacks
Fourth Grade
- Large backpack
- Athletic shoes (need not be labeled)
- Headphones - over the ear
- 5 2-pocket folders (1 yellow, 1 red, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 choice)
- 3 WIDE RULED Spiral notebooks - 70 pages (red, yellow, green)
- 1 composition notebook (for math - graphing preferred)
- 24 #2 pencils (Ticonderoga brand preferred)
- 1 pkg of large pink erasers
- 1 pkg thin or thick markers
- Scissors
- 1 pkg of 12-24 colored pencils, sharpened
- Plastic pencil box (6”x9”)
- 1 large box of tissues
- 1 small bottle white glue
Families with last name A - L:
- 1 pkg quart size baggies (zipper close)
Families with last name M - Z:
- 1 pkg gallon size baggies (zipper close)
Donations appreciated!
Prepackaged individually wrapped healthy snacks
Please label ONLY these items with first & last name
- Large backpack
- Headphones
- Athletic shoes
Fifth Grade
- Large backpack
- Headphones
- 1 pkg of colored pencils
- 1 pkg of thin markers
- 1 pkg of thick markers
- 24 sharpened pencils (Ticonderoga Brand Preferred)
- 2 highlighters
- 1 pencil box or zipper pouch
- 4 two-pocket folders (1 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 choice)
- 5 composition notebooks
- 1 package of dry erase markers
- 2 glue sticks
- 1 - 2 boxes of tissues
Optional: computer mouse (USB cord or USB wireless)
Families with last name A - L:
- 1 pkg gallon size baggies (zipper close)
- 1 pkg of index cards (any size)
Families with last name M - Z:
- 1 pkg quart size baggies (zipper close)
- 1 pkg of Post it notes
Donations appreciated!
Hot/cold Cups, Plastic utensils, paper plates, pre-packaged individually wrapped healthy snacks, decks of playing cards, loose leaf paper, black permanent markers