The map below details where students and families should go during pick up and drop off.
Always use the crosswalk on Old Sauk Road. Crossing guards are present before and after school.
Observe the speed limit. Slow down to 20 mph when children are present.
The school parking lot is for staff only. Do not drop off, pick up, turn around or walk your student through this area. Parking is available on the east side of Old Sauk Road.
Our daily schedule:
Start: 7:40 AM
Dismissal: 2:40 PM
Monday Early Release Dismissal: 1:15 PM
Information about bus routes and transportation are available here.
City of Madison crossing guards are present each school day in the morning, lunchtime, and afternoon dismissal
5900 Old Sauk Rd | Crossing guard Joie T. | 7:00-7:40 a.m., 12:40-1:20 p.m., 2:15-2:55 p.m.